
We Welcome The Children!

Currently all children’s events are being held on-line due to COVID-19. Join us online every third Sunday at 11am for a unique experience and a time of worship.

Share your thoughts with us on the surveys below!

As you walk in the doors of our church, we hope you see that children are an important and growing part of our community.

Just as we encourage adult members of our congregation, we want the children to build bridges of hope through the love of Jesus Christ. We foster an environment where children are not only vessels for us to pour into,  but for them to also pour into us.

McKendree offers children age-appropriate activities where they are given a loving and nurturing environment through their teachers and volunteers.  While in these environments, the children are fed the word of God and given the opportunity to talk about it, model it, write it, act it, recite it, and engage with one another.

During our 9 a.m. service we offer preschool and elementary classes.  The nursery is available for all church services for children 36 months old and under.  Throughout the year, we also offer special opportunities for the children to participate in adult worship.  During the summer, we have Vacation Bible School.

We also understand the desire to make sure your children are safe. There is a specific and strict sign in/sign out policy for the nursery and children’s church (ages 3 through 3rd grade).  If you are here for the first time, please fill out a family registration form that includes pick-up information and medical info.  After children’s church and Sunday School, the children are released to pre-authorized caretakers at 11:00 a.m., or earlier if needed.

Fifth Sundays are all about the whole church coming together for a worship experience: traditional and contemporary service goers, parents, children’s ministry volunteers, and children included, as they are able. Our nursery remains open for ages 4 & under, while pre-K and elementary children typically share a song they have been working on in children’s church and are then encouraged to remain in the service with their parents.  Children’s bulletins and crayons are provided.

What a terrific experience for children when they have a church all of their own. They will learn about Jesus in the scriptures and even come to know Him.

Weekly Children’s Worship Bulletin
with Coloring Pages and Games.

Weekly Crafts & Lessons