McKendree Blog


Be Justice!

Greetings Holy, Healthy and Happy People of God! 

As I write this eNote to our faithful, fearless and devoted community of radical and responsible followers of Jesus Christ, I am extremely exhausted from the events over the last week. As a follower of Jesus, I think the church has to be seen and heard, especially in a time like this. We are in an unparalleled and unprecedented time and the church must speak!

Nashville is my home and I have cried and struggled with our responses to issues of injustice, not only most recently George Floyd, but also for others through the years. Those who vandalized our city are not a part of the peaceful protestors. For the most part, those vandalizing are outsiders trying to steer us away from the main reality of seeking justice for George Floyd. Nashville must become a city known for its justice for all people! My prayer is for a peaceful protest that brings unity!

Recently, some of my clergy colleagues and friends have asked me what should they do? That’s a heavy burden – too heavy and I refuse to carry it, but I will share your burden. I can’t answer that question, but for anyone other than myself. My heart turns to the Prophet Micah “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 (NRSV)

As a sign of solidarity, McKendree will hold a candlelight & prayer vigil in the name of justice. After those attending the Black Lives Matter peaceful protest, which starts Thursday at 4pm Bicentennial  Capitol Mall State Park en route to the State Capitol. Afterwards, we will gather at 6pm on the front yard of McKendree by inviting people into a time of silence and prayer. Please wear your mask and practice social distancing.

Hear the W.O.W., the Words of Wisdom, “Be Justice!”


We Must Do The Right!

Greetings Holy, Healthy and Happy People of God! 

As I write this e-Note to our faithful, fearless and devoted community of radical and responsible followers of Jesus Christ, I am extremely grateful for each of you. Today I write to give up an update of what’s going on at McKendree.

First, your response to our sister church, Igelesia Metodista Ebenezer, was absolutely amazing. We delivered over 60 masks and a good number of gift cards. Another North Nashville church called and asked how they could help with our sister church. Although it is not a United Methodist Church, they are willing to donate $1,000 for gift cards. Thanks for everyone’s generosity.

Second, several leaders met via a zoom call last night and determined that we would not go back into the building for worship until (at least) the first of July. We will follow the Mayor’s protocol process for going back along with the Bishop’s guidelines that are forthcoming. As we prepare to go back, there are some new realities that we need to ensure happen before returning and while we are in the building. Our community will be informed as we know and develop the next steps.

Third, our life groups and other worship offerings are still happening, but through a zoom environment. Every Tuesday at 6pm, we offer Disciple Bible Study, which is a disciplined reading of Scripture in a small group environment. Every Tuesday at 6:30pm, we offer Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone with hurts, habits or hang-ups. Also Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life. Every Thursday at 12 Noon we offer a zoom call for prayer about the things that matter to God! And every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 6pm, we convene our Feast Fellowship where we eat via zoom and then discuss Scripture and what it means for us to do Life Together! If you desire to join any of these offerings or need zoom to reconnect your life group, please call or email Bonnie, 615-271-2600 or

Finally, thanks for your continued financial giving when over 36 million are not currently employed. May God continue to bless the gifts of your hearts and hands! Even in the midst of the pandemic, April was our best giving month this year. Praise the Lord! For those who can keep giving, we are grateful, but we understand there are many who cannot give. Our staff has never stopped working and the building still has utilities to be paid while many needed repairs are happening because the building is vacant.

May we see with the eyes of God, love with the heart of Jesus, and be led by the Holy Spirit to be compassionate, careful and curious.

Remember God will for us is good, we must do the right!


Jesus Paid The Full Price!

Greetings Holy, Healthy and Happy People of God! 

As I write this e-Note to our faithful, fearless and devoted community of radical and responsible followers of Jesus Christ, I invite you to join us for this evening for a Holy Good Friday worship experience. Come and hear the last seven words of Jesus before he takes his last breath so that all creation can be restored, especially female and male.

Think about these things as we look to the cross of Jesus remembering that he is absolutely innocent of any charges forced upon him. And be reminded that Jesus takes all of our suffering and shame to the cross for our salvation!

Word #1 – “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

Forgive us for our lack of understanding you as Messiah, Redeemer Savior of all people!

Lord have mercy!

Word #2 – “Verily, I say, unto you today thou shall be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:44

We don’t have the authority or power to determine whom you receive into your kingdom! Lord have mercy!

Word #3 – “Woman, behold your son. Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” John 19:26-27

Jesus is not defined or restricted by human standards. In his death, he offers the love of his mother to others. Lord have mercy!

Word #4- “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:36

Suffering and sorrow is part of the human condition and we can feel alone in it! Lord have mercy!

Word #5 – “I thirst!” John 19:28

Jesus comes to the point of near death and he says, “I thirst” not only for water, but God! God lead us to thirst after you.  Lord please have mercy on us!

Word #6 – “It is finished!”  John 19:30

Thank you Jesus for paying the price for our sins of the past, present and future. Lord have mercy!

Word 7 – “ Father into thy hands I commit my spirit!” Luke 23:46

Jesus is in total control of his life. And he decides, not the power of the Roman Empire, to commit his spirit to God. Lord have mercy!

Hear the W.O.W., the Words Of Wisdom, “Jesus Paid the Price in Full!