Event Application

Please complete application no later than one month prior to event.

Welcome to McKendree UMC

Please note that until you receive confirmation/approval from a staff member of McKendree UMC, this event is not on the church calendar.

523 Church St.
Nashville, TN 37219

(615) 271-2600

Please read the following information below as it is considered part of any agreement made between yourself and McKendree UMC.

Items that are not provided by McKendree are towels, sleeping bags, linens, paper plates, cups, napkins, condiments, etc.

McKendree most likely will require a security deposit that is based on the type and length of usage of the facilities requested and will be non-refundable if event is cancelled later than two weeks before event date.

McKendree most likely will require a church fee that is based on the type and length of usage of the facilities requested.

If custodial services are requested McKendree will charge a custodial fee that is based on the type of service and length of usage of the facilities.

Again, please note that until you receive confirmation/approval from a staff member of McKendree UMC, this event is not on the church calendar.

Front of the church facing Church Street. Parking garage is off of 6th Street.
Church entrance is on the 4th floor of the McKendree Garage by the Jonny Cask elevator.
Front entrance view to the sanctuary.
McKendree has a large cafeteria.
McKendree’s beautiful congregation..
Partial Sanctuary view.
Plenty of tables and space.
We feed the less fortunate on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s at 11:30am and the third Friday of the month at 5:30pm.
McKendree’s upscaled kitchen.

The McKendree roof top is also available for events. There is currently a beautiful new roof being installed.