
While you may not have the financial resources, we gladly accept gifts of your your time. Please contact us to see where your time could be best spent for the Glory of God!

Our mission is “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.” To do that, we engage in many forms of ministry, by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ one-on-one, feeding the hungry, partnering with non-profits to provide job skills to children aging out of the foster system, and so much more. We use our facility throughout the week so that those in need can share in the love of Jesus Christ. We have a strong belief that service is a form of worship.

McKendree on Mission

Clothing Restore

Our Clothing Restore has free clothing for our displaced community. We need volunteers to greet people and be in the store as our guests choose items.  Currently our store is closed but during non COVID-19, our store is open Thursdays from 3:30-5:00pm.

FOLDING CLOTHES    We need people who can sort, fold and put away clothing at times when the closet is not open for the public. Can you give 1-2 hours in the morning or afternoon, once a week, every other week, or once a month? All help is greatly appreciated!

CLOTHING NEEDS    We need Men’s clothing for the clothing closet, especially large size men’s clothing.  You may bring your donations to the church on Sundays or call the church office (615) 271-2600 if you’d like to bring a clothing donation Monday-Friday.

VOLUNTEERS TO WORK    We also need volunteers to open and close the clothing store. We rely heavily on volunteers to help serve this ministry.  All help is greatly appreciated!

5 & 2 Weekly Meal

Every Tuesday at 11:30 McKendree invites 100-150 hungry men and women in to eat a meal together (currently serving in to-go containers).  We need volunteers!  You can volunteer weekly, biweekly, or once a month.  If you can serve from 11:00am-12:30pm, please let us know, or earlier times for meal prep.

E/M/SJ Team

McKendree established an Evangelism, Mission and Social Justice Team to address issues in the Nashville Community.  This team envisions and coordinates participation in social and political issues that focus on poverty, education, and healthcare.

Restoration Pointe

McKendree hosts this transitional housing shelter on-site for men so they can get off of the streets and into their own residence.

Foundry Meals

To all the Life Groups, Sunday School classes, extension classes, teams, groups and/or families – we invite you to share a meal with the Foundry!  If your group can prepare a hot meal for the men in our Foundry and bring it to the church, please contact the church office.  This can be done any night of the week.  We are not asking you to commit to doing this every week, but just as your group is able to participate. Please call the church office for details.

Metro Nashville Public Schools Mentoring Partnership

Mentoring young men at Rose Park Middle School on Thursdays @ 11a.

To serve in any of these ministries, call the church office at (615) 271-2600 or complete the form below:

I'd like more information about serving in the following ministry:


Monroe Harding

Monroe Harding does for kids in foster care what a family would do. They provide security, support and give young people a chance for success as they have been doing for 120 years. Housed on the third floor of McKendree United Methodist Church, their Youth Connections program is a resource center for young men and women, ages 16-26, who are currently in or have aged out of foster care or state custody.  Here, young people receive assistance with employment, housing, High School Equivalency/GED classes, tutoring, post-secondary education planning, sexual health education, and financial education classes.

In addition to their core classes, the downtown McKendree location provides a place where youth can hang out, shoot pool, make a snack, or use the computer lab to research jobs, check email, Facebook, etc.

For more information on Monroe Harding, please click here.