
Choose Faith Over Fear Series!

Praise Team

This group of dedicated people make worship at McKendree the most uplifting and worshipful time you will experience. We are always looking to expand our team and bring different styles to this group. Volunteer using form below.


This ensemble is remarkable as they blend their voices together to make a sweet sound unto the Lord.  They sing a range of genre including: hymns, spirituals, modern pieces, anthems, and gospel songs.  Beginners are welcome and no audition is required.  Rehearsals are held every Wednesday via Zoom from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Volunteer using form below.

In-Service Scripture Reading

There are several areas that we need volunteers to read such as Call to Worship, Doxology, Scripture for the service and much more.


Currently this area of worship in not active due to the pandemic. McKendree is pleased to have a vibrant hospitality team that serve as our greeters and ushers during our worship services. If you would like to greet attendees before the service or act as an usher, we would love to have you. 

Complete this form to volunteer for any part of our Worship service. You will be promptly contacted regarding next steps. Thank you!

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