
McKendree UMC

Phone: 615-271-2600
523 Church Street Nashville, TN 37219

McKendree Christian Life Center

520 Commerce Street Nashville TN 37203

McKendree UMC map

Where to park

The McKendree Parking Center Garage is located at 140 6th Avenue North, on the left between Church and Commerce Streets.  Parking is free for Sunday morning worship at McKendree Church.

The entrance to the church is located by the elevator on the 4th Floor of the garage which is painted purple with images of Nashville legend Johnny Cash.

Our parking garage is leased to and run by Premier Parking, which offers a fully automated parking system. A new system was installed and activated on October 27, 2021. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. You no longer need to get a ticket from the machine when you enter.
  2. The new system uses cameras to record your car license tag coming in and going out.
  3. For general parking, you must scan the QR code posted in the garage and follow the prompts to set up an account with the garage through your credit/debit card. Leaving without making a payment can result in a ticket, fines and possible legal problems.
  4. We have special arrangements for our McKendree congregation on Sundays. Regardless of what time you arrive, if you leave on Sunday between 10am and 1pm, there is no charge for parking and no need to set up an account.
  5. If you are coming to the church any other day, please contact the church office to have your parking validated.

The new system can be confusing. Please feel free to contact the church office at 615-271-2600 or  if you have any questions.

You are also welcome to walk and use our front entrance, located at 523 Church Street! Many downtown residents utilize this option.